Best Online Barter App in India & Undeniably #1 C2C Barter Marketplace unlike anything you’ve ever seen.
Showcase you barter items in India under specific product categories and to make
sure, someone’s search with a keyword lists your item ahead. We then explicitly
furnish you with Barter Offers from users via SMS, WhatsApp and email. Our AI
curates the best barter bargains in the market and offers them to you.

How Barter Exchange Works

Post an Item
Capture a photo or
video of your item using our barter exchange app, write a brief description as well as post it for
others in order to view your item and pitch their offer. Post your first item to trade.

Get offers
BarterPlace is specifically designed to show offers based on your
interests and wish list, obviously makes your job real easy to pick
an interesting offer. Finally, you would see notifications from
users making an offer for your item with theirs.

Accept an Offer
BarterPlace undoubtedly
simulates real life-like auctions, when you receive offers, you are free to accept
an offer that suits you best. Hence giving you the ability to bid by adding offers
to barter items; to reject as well as renegotiate offers.